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Hand made lettersets inspired by Historical Stationery

Available in three different styles:

"For Your Eyes Only" Letterset.

An illuminated design on cream laid paper, with a hand stamped envelope, and string for tying shut.

Inspired by historical methods for securing post, this letter set comes pre-folded and cut to allow you to sew it shut. The set includes paper, string, envelope, and instructions on how to seal your letter. 

Regency Puzzle Purse.

A hand stamped design on cream laid paper, with a hand stamped envelope.

Inspired by the puzzle purses sent as love letters in the time of Jane Austen this letter set comes pre-folded and stamped so you can write your own fun puzzle note without having to get your head around the complex fold.

Timeless Telegram.

A printed design on cream laid paper, with a hand-stamped envelope.

Inspired by Victorian telegrams, this letter-set comes pre-folded and with a hand-stamped gummed sticker, so you can write your own historically-inspired letter.

Available in York.

Historical Lettersets Hand made

  • Brand: Anachronalia
  • Product Code: ANA10016Y
  • SKU: ANA10016Y
  • Availability: 28

Hand made lettersets inspired by Historical Stationery

Available in three different styles:

"For Your Eyes Only" Letterset.

An illuminated design on cream laid paper, with a hand stamped envelope, and string for tying shut.

Inspired by historical methods for securing post, this letter set comes pre-folded and cut to allow you to sew it shut. The set includes paper, string, envelope, and instructions on how to seal your letter. 

Regency Puzzle Purse.

A hand stamped design on cream laid paper, with a hand stamped envelope.

Inspired by the puzzle purses sent as love letters in the time of Jane Austen this letter set comes pre-folded and stamped so you can write your own fun puzzle note without having to get your head around the complex fold.

Timeless Telegram.

A printed design on cream laid paper, with a hand-stamped envelope.

Inspired by Victorian telegrams, this letter-set comes pre-folded and with a hand-stamped gummed sticker, so you can write your own historically-inspired letter.

Available in York.


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