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This large bearded dragon is a variation of my hanging dragon.

A one-off beastie carved with a prominent beard, and finished in a green copper colour.

Hand carved from lime, I use a straight knife and hook knife to create the shape and texture. The wings are carved separately and inserted into the body.

Suspended by clear fishing line it can be hung anywhere indoors.

Carved Bearded Green Dragon This large

  • Brand: Woodwyrm
  • Product Code: WWM00002Y
  • SKU: WWM00002Y
  • Availability: Out Of Stock

This large bearded dragon is a variation of my hanging dragon.

A one-off beastie carved with a prominent beard, and finished in a green copper colour.

Hand carved from lime, I use a straight knife and hook knife to create the shape and texture. The wings are carved separately and inserted into the body.

Suspended by clear fishing line it can be hung anywhere indoors.


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